Estate Planning, Medicaid Planning and Probate Blog

St. Louis Estate Planning, Medicaid Planning, and Probate Law Firm

Elder law is emerging as part of a holistic estate plan to address medical, financial and incapacity issues as we age. This article examines elder law, the increasing necessity for attorneys in this field and where it fits in estate planning.
Discover how to safeguard your property and qualify for long-term care with Medicaid in Missouri. Learn about asset protection plans and exemption criteria.
Handling your parent's or spouse's financial affairs and long-term care planning is not for the faint of heart or a task for the unprepared. Having an experienced elder law attorney advocate for you who helps create a comprehensive estate plan benefits the family.
Plan for the future with a solid estate plan. Understand the distinction between a living will and last will and testament for peace of mind.
We all have a digital footprint that does not necessarily die with us. There are three things you should do to best prepare your executor, trustee or other personal representative to properly handle your posthumous digital affairs.
Last will and testament document. Avoid probate in Missouri by going beyond basic estate planning. Learn why a will alone is not enough and discover essential strategies for a more robust estate plan.
Learn the critical reasons why a will alone is insufficient for a comprehensive estate plan, and why incorporating trusts, beneficiary designations and incapacity planning is essential to ensure a seamless and protected transfer of your assets to your loved ones.